Believing in what some would say is unbelievable. Not because it makes sense all the time. But because simply allowing yourself to believe means coming to Life a bit.
.It is sorely underestimated.
Something drastically changes in a person's heart when someone believes in them. Just those words. Those
"I believe in you"
......creates a spark in the soul. With it can come a newness of living.......
NEVER underestimate the power of believing in someone. And NEVER forget that God is the ultimate Believer. in. you.
Regardless of what has been done. He desperately believes in you.
.This is what we tell the children we work with through eXile international
who have lived in W A R all of their lives.
Children who were taken from their homes and made to become rebel soldiers.
Children who were forced to kill after being abducted.
These children are BIGGER than orphans. They are more than sex slaves. They are kinder than the killers they were forced to become. They are larger than their past.
These Children are
beautiful and
strong and
But they need someone to
b e l i e v e
in them.
W i l l y o u ?
The purchase of a b e l i e v e t-shirt for only $15 buys two t-shirts! It supports eXile international's work AND we will bring a 2nd "believe T" to one of the children we will be working with on our upcoming trip to Congo as a symbol of hope.
WHY? Because we Believe in them and God Believes in you and by Believing..........we have Hope.
b e l i e v e