Tuesday, December 16, 2008

They Are Precious In His Sight


Amost Home...dealys in Amsterdam caused a missed connection to Nashville and I have a few hours to spare - and to share. Hearing the voices of my sweet nieces over the phone brought much joy. I always say if I were half the woman they see me as, I will be doing just fine : ) Hearing their screams, laughter, liveliness, and sweet voices.....two worlds seemed to collide. As soon as we hung up, my mind went back to the children we were just with at the orphanage. I keep hearing Rose's words, "All of them have been previously abducted...seen their parents killed...." The graphic explanations went on and on in heart wrenching detail. Because of their disturbance, I will likely be able to share the stories with only a few others. It amazes me how they LIVED something that I will only feel comfortable REPEATING a few times.

I listened to Julia laugh...Haley's loving spirit. They are so sheltered - and I wouldn't have it any other way. From Hendersonville, Tn to Gulu, Uganda - they are miles apart in more ways than one. The sorrow for those little ones comes over me like a heavy wave. To even fathom my little nieces having to remotely experince any of the pain those orphans have experienced ignites an anger that I hope never dies. It would be just as wrong - just as evil - for those so much a part of my heart compared to those living so far away. For them I will fight. For the Haleys and Emmas and Julias and Emersons in a skin of a different color and a country by a different name. For them I will fight. I think of Peter and Gloria and Richard. I see their smiles and am still in awe of their strength.

They are just as precious in His sight. They are just as weak. He is just as strong.

I saw hope there in Uganda. Hope that what is happening in Congo has a stopping point. Hope that there can be healing. Hope that love is still alive and that God is a God of restoration...if not in this life, then in the next.

Lord, in their beds tonight I pray they will feel you next to them as they sleep - bunk on top of bunk on top of bunk. For those 500 child soldiers still in Uganda, I pray. For the over 700 in Congo, I pray. I pray that although taken from their homes - this world will not forget them......just because they are quiet - just because they are unheard - just because they are far away. May then never be forgotten. May we, as a nation and as a world, realize that they are worth fighting for - and may we fight.

For we are - and they are......

Yours, b
12/16/08 by Bethany P. Haley


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